Meda Systems Inc.
1155 Sunnyhills Rd.
Oakland, CA 94610
Phone: (510) 832-6332
Fax: (510) 839-6024

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Copyright ©2007 Techrace Inc.

Digital Media Server Technology


Meda Systems grew from its founders' desire for a great media server at a low price. Our products
have been in development and testing for over two years. Meda's team consists of consumer electronics
business veterans, music lovers, artists, software geeks, home theater aficionados and musicians. Our
background includes many years of industry experience with AMX, Parasound, ADA, QSC, D-Tools, Home
Director, Monster Cable, Soundstream, and with installing retailers and members from the CEDIA, PARA,
ICIA and NSCA organizations.

Flagship digital media server